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Urban Pot - Commercial and Residential Planters


Urban Pot planters are made of sturdy, lightweight polyethylene. Designed to be maintenance free, these planters can be left outdoors all year round, even in harsh winter climates. The double-walled design keeps soil cool and protects roots when exposed to hours of intense sunlight, as well as when temperatures drop.

Let your imagination run free thanks to the wide variety of shapes, sizes and colors.

Did you know ?

Some of our models are equipped with the pioneering TruDrop technology. This technology equips pots with automatic watering to go weeks without watering, for phenomenal results and more confident gardeners. Trudrop radically transforms the way you take care of plants.

  • A simple solution that will extend the time between waterings by up to 6 weeks depending on pot size and weather conditions. Trudrop planters are lightweight, easy to pot and easy to maintain.

  • The easy-to-read water gauge tells you how much water your container has, letting you know when your planter is ready for a refill. There is also a drain plug to allow water to be emptied from the planter before winter.

  • Irrigation of plants from below, like greenhouse growers, decreases the risk of fungus growth and leaf damage, allowing you to grow healthier plants and making your gardening experience a simple success.

  • With less use of water resources, no fertilizer runoff, 100% recyclable materials and a 10-year limited warranty, TruDrop planters are environmentally friendly and built to last.

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